
Latest Release: v 3.0

Add the Quentin Tarantino Line-O-Rama™: Enter a character's personality traits and an intent, and generate lines of dialogue.

v 2.9

Add ShotList™: Enter a scene description, and generate a series of director shots.

v 2.8

Add Revise Idea feature. Add Copy button feature.

v 2.7

Add email verification step. Enhance layout on mobile devices.

v 2.6

Add Multi-Model functionality to Strategy Generator and Naming Generator. Generate three creative ideas from three different AI models at once.

v 2.5

Add Multi-Model Creative Generator. Generate three creative ideas from three different AI models at once.

v 2.4

Add Naming Generator for new brands and products. Add Dashboard interface.

v 2.3

Provide free credits to all new users without requiring Stripe registration.

v 2.2

Save Ari Chat conversations to folders. Add Anonymous Feedback page. Enhance saved-folder dropdown when there are many folders.

v 2.1

Enhance AI Creative Partner: Add streaming output for faster response. Add named headers above text bubbles. Disable user input during AI output. Add token counting and pruning. Add moderation content fitering.

v 2.0

Add AI Creative Chat Partner. Collaborate and generate ideas with an AI creative ideation partner via a chat interface.

v 1.9

Add Strategic Brief Generator for planners. Provide target audience and product benefits, and generate a Strategic Brief.

Add Daydrm Enterprise package for business teams.

v 1.8

Add to Generator: new Interactive / digital / mobile content type.

Add layout and UX enhancements.

v 1.7

Add feature: Save folders. Delete folders.

Add feature: Save outputs to folders. Delete outputs.

v 1.6

Add to Generator: new Headline content-type.

Add nicer text formatting in Output section.

Add examples to homepage.

v 1.5

Enable users to log in with an email address (work emails) in addition to Google Authentication.

Add Log-in and Sign-up pages.

Minor layout enhancements.

v 1.4

Add new Generator model.

Add switch to enable users to toggle between both models.

v 1.3

Add Day Rate and Subscription options.

Add Pricing page. Add Contact page. Add Blog.

Add Terms of service, Privacy policy, Disclaimer.

v 1.2

Add Instagram user-generated campaign content-type. Add content-type icons.

Add Brief Tips page. Update homepage elements. Refactor email subscribe component.

Minor layout and bug fixes.

v 1.1

Randomize model parameters within ranges. Results in a wider variety of generated outputs and a better chance of a high-quality idea on each submission.

Add changelog page. Add contact page. Add more examples to homepage.

Minor layout and bug fixes.

v 1.0

Initial release.